I will answer your questions and give you the insights you need: design, development, materials, function, comfort, fit, style, prototyping, sampling, sourcing, timing, pre-production, production, quality, cost, and more.


You get one hour with me on a call. Go ahead, ask me any question, discuss your situation, review an issue, get the pros and cons as well as possible alternatives, find out what you may have overlooked.


2 hours allows us to go deeper into the situation and cover more issues. Based on the call duration, you may be able to followup on your end and come back to me for continued guidance via text, email, etc, or you may ask me to step in and guide a factory or agent on an issue or two

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3 hours allows us to cover more ground and enables more followup to dig into the issues and come back for follow-up advice. Start with a call, then move to text, email, ship me some shoes to evaluate and back to a call if needed.

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